How to Register for the One-Person Company?
In the Company Act, 2013, a new concept known as the One Person Company was introduced in the Online Company Registration system. A minimum of two directors and two members are necessary for a private company, whereas a least of three directors and seven members are required in a public company. Previously, one person could not form a company. For online company registration in Noida , apply with us. But before let's have a complete overview of the one person company registration process. What is a one-person company called? A one-person company (OPC) is a business formed by a single individual. A single person could not form a business prior to the implementation of the Companies Act, 2013. If a person wished to start a business, he or she could only do so as a sole proprietorship because forming a company required a minimum of two directors and two members. A company can be founded with just one director and one member, according to Section 2(62) of the Company Act 20...